Asia Risk Award 2016


Societe Generale won Structured Products House and Credit Derivatives House of the Year at Asia Risk Awards 2016.

Structured products house of the year: Societe Generale Corporate and Investment Banking

Thin liquidity across the globe, and specifically in Asia, is making it increasingly difficult for investors to find the asset allocation strategies that they need to meet their specific hedging and investment needs. Societe Generale is named this year’s Structured Products House of the Year for developing its capability to recycle additional risk around the world – which has helped the French bank deepen trust and confidence among its client base.

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Credit derivatives house of the year: Societe Generale Corporate and Investment Banking

Playing in the credit markets is expensive and has become more so as regulators have tried to rein in the kind of reckless speculation that led to the financial crisis in 2008. Accordingly, a number of participants have pulled back from the sector, particularly as volatility has jolted the markets. But not Societe Generale, which remains, in its own words, “very much open for business”.

Read the article here